Welcome to MVED
Minnesota Valley Education District (MVED) serves special needs students, their families, and schools in South Central Minnesota. Our team of specialists provides consulting services and resources for schools and families to ensure that students with disabilities have access to community programs and specialized tools and receive a free, appropriate public education. Our vision is preparing learners for life.
We believe that every child can learn, and we are passionate about helping every child have this opportunity. Member districts receive training and assistance for the evaluation, screening, and referral of students identified as having special needs.
We offer a wide range of programs, including a separate on-site intervention program, Minnesota Valley School (MVS). This program provides highly individualized learning plans for K–12 students identified as needing more structure, support, and modifications than can be accommodated in the traditional academic setting. MVED also has K–12 classrooms dedicated to students who display needs in the area of autism spectrum, low incidence, and/or deficient social skills.
Our team is dedicated to serving children and helping them overcome the challenges they may face in the school environment. If you believe your school or family might benefit from our services, please contact us.